Sunday, December 03, 2006


As I mentioned in the previous post, we've gained an addition to our family. She is an 8 week old brindle Boxer, and she is the most adorable thing I have ever seen. She is such a good puppy (needless to say, she is "mama's little girl" and sleeps on my stomach or at my feet when I'm vegging on the couch). She is such a sweetie. Here are some pics - Enjoy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, Amy--what a precious boxer! Aww. I have one named Rocco, but I used to have one as a child named Sadie! How ironic. You will enjoy her so much. They LOVE being around people and doing their signature twist/wiggle. Bet Sadie does it already...Love your work, and thank you for your response on OSP.